a small replica of a mill with water wheel |
Most of the houses on this beach were high up on stilts |
This picture doesn't do justice to the pure white sand and crashing waves. The highlight of the day, however, was what we saw at the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge. Right by the trail was a Painted Turtle, busy at work. She had dug a hole in the sand, oblivious to us crouching down and watching her labour. All of a sudden I saw a long, soft-looking egg slide out into the hole! There were already other eggs deep in the hole, and the turtle used her hind legs and tail to cover up each egg with a layer of sand. When we inspected the site on the way back, we could hardly tell where the hole had been, so well did she cover up her traces.
What a sight! A drama I never expected to see.
Was the water wheel still turning? It got stuck last year, but some work they got it going again. Enjoy your stay. We are enjoying Twin Oaks Ranch in Buda, TX. We helped set up for a fishing club dinner tonight--lots of fun.