Tuesday 7 February 2012

Welcome to Camp Baldwin

We three women (our fourth hadn't arrived yet) were sent to meet Billy, the young man in charge of cleaning.  He introduced his partner, "and this is Daae.." 
"What? What did you call him?"
He repeated it several times before we understood he was "Dan".  His southern drawl is so interesting to the ear!
Billy and Dan very carefully explained each step of the cleaning process, demonstrating with anti-bacterial spray, bathroom foam, and separate sets of cloths how to tackle the furniture and bathrooms of motel style units that had been used during a weekend event.  Then we had a lesson in bedmaking, with the pillows and sheets tucked in just so. I don't remember having formal lessons like this when I was young, although a friend who had begun nurse's training explained about "hospital corners" on the sheets.  The top sheet had to be tucked in all the way to the pillow as proof that the bed was actually made.  Lessons would've been a good idea when I was a child.  While on a train trip across Canada, the porter asked me to put the pillowcase on a pillow, then watched with amusement as I struggled to do something adults found so simple. I felt so mortified.
Later we cleaned rooms with bunkbeds, reaching up with a Swiffer to spread the anti-bacterial spray on the plastic mattress covers.  My new experience of the day, however, was cleaning urinals.  "This is a first for me!" I said to my partner, a sweet pastor's wife. "I don't think I've done that either!"  she replied.
Servants on wheels have to be ready to do all kinds of jobs.
(SOWER= Servants on wheels ever ready. )
Billy on garbage duty; I mean trash duty

1 comment:

  1. Bless you, your rewards are out of this world. What is Terry doing? Bill Cairns
