Thursday 10 November 2016

San Pedro Town

There are not many new places to see on Ambergris Caye, off the mainland of Belize. The main settlement, San Pedro Town, has about 10,000 residents. This number swells in the 'high season', which is beginning now in early November. This statue of St. Peter stands in front of the Catholic church; the patron saint of fisherman, after whom the town was named.

Usually we take the Coastal ferry, which we call the 'water taxi' although it has a regular schedule. We can be picked up just by virtue of sitting or standing on the dock next to the YWAM Base about four miles north on the caye, as the dock at the Base was wiped out during the hurricane. In fifteen minutes or so we can be in town.
The Coastal Ferry

It was great to be dropped off at the Sea Wall, closer to the church,but it really was an unscheduled stop. One day our boat's propeller scraped the sand, and we were told the driver would not drop us off there any more.

Or, we can walk to town, which takes an hour and fifteen minutes. Walking along the beach is said to be easier and shorter than going via the road.  We try to start early in the morning while it's still cool. 

Just before getting to the tall cinema building in which church services are held on Sunday morning, we leave the beach and briefly follow the road.

Sagebrush Community Church

Crossing the bridge that spans the river we walk 20 minutes to downtown San Pedro. 

The speed limit is 15 mph, with the majority of vehicles being golf carts and bicycles. A few vans act as taxis, and there are a few delivery trucks.
church parking lot after the rain

getting a ride on the YWAM golf cart

The buildings are old and decrepit, but interesting. Bright colours predominate where buildings have been freshly painted.

Sprucing up a building
More colours
San Pedro Preschool
Lagoon Street

No one calls the streets by their real names, but by the former Front Street, Middle Street and Back Street, which run parallel to the beach. I'm guessing this is Back Street, as the lagoon is on the other side of the narrow caye.
San Pedro is a laid back, casual place, with friendly people.

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