Monday 20 April 2020

Requiem for Baby B

When we bought our 2009 Keystone Outback trailer in March, 2010, our principal put the following notice in the school newsletter:

 Mr. and Mrs. B. have a new baby.

 She is 21 feet long and weighs 4800 lbs.
 She arrived last Friday.

A month later, we were accepted into the SOWER ministry, an organization in which those with RVs can travel in US and Canada helping churches, camps, orphanages, Christian schools and other ministries, with whatever they need. This was for the future, we thought, as I wasn't quite ready to retire just yet. 

Baby B's maiden "voyage" was  couple of weeks after this, as we camped with some fellow teachers at Gull Lake, during a highway clean-up weekend. Terry wondered what on earth we had gotten ourselves into as the snowflakes whirled around us. 

"It's May, after all!" he thought.
 It's a good thing we experienced this practice run, though, as the trailer battery died (this was before Terry used two batteries for the trailer) and the furnace stopped in the middle of the night. The weekend told us we didn't like camping in the cold.

Our first SOWER experience with Baby B. took place at Stillwood Camp and Conference Centre near Cultus Lake, B.C., in July, 2010. On the whole it was a positive experience, and we enjoyed living in our cute little trailer for three weeks.

Fall 2011-setting off for Arizona

Our first fall-winter SOWER stint began in the fall of 2011, at Gospel Rescue Mission, in Tucson, AZ.

After Christmas, we travelled to Texas, Alabama, and all the way to the Florida Keys. Baby B did well. That season was the first of nine seasons of SOWER projects, mostly in California and Arizona.
Baby B also accompanied us to five two-week sessions at Gleaners in the Okanagan, as well as a few summer camping trips.

After we cleaned up the mess in Baby B. after the accident [see previous post], and had to leave her for the last time, I threw my arms around Terry, and cried. 

Here's our last view of Baby B. looking back in our rear view mirror, where we left her to her fate, one dull, grey day in March, 2020.

Later, we found out that indeed, Baby B. had died. She had sustained too much damage, and the trailer was written off.

All that's left are wonderful memories. 

Thank you, Lord, for the ten years we had together. 

We're awaiting the next part of God's plan.

I wonder what the future holds. 
We don't know the future, but we know the One who holds the future. 

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:19 (NLT)

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