Saturday 25 February 2017

Taking it up a notch

To take something up a notch means, according to the English idiom, to increase the effort or intensity exerted in a situation.

Today we didn't do a simple walk along the beach, but a 'real' hike. A real hike means, to me, a walk that requires going uphill.

This morning's snow 
Terry and I climbed a small hill today. Notch Hill is accessed off Powder Point Road in Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island. My idea of walking for exercise was taken up a notch as I walked the first part of the trail which the map calls “steep”. I guess I'm not as fit as I think I am. First my gluteus maximus muscles pulled, until I really got going. Then I had to stop for breath several times, listening to my pounding heart. Then I shed one of my layers, that heavy sweater I knew I shouldn't have worn.
Finally the ground levelled off, sort of.
We listened for birds, but didn't hear anything until we broke out of the gloomy conifer forest to moss covered rocky outcrops and arbutus trees. Terry's binoculars were trained on a high tree with a tiny bird on it. Probably a Dark Eyed Junco. I looked behind me and saw a man standing quietly on the path. I wish I had taken his picture; he was just like a gnome, at home in the forest.
The view was worth the climb.

Looking towards Nanaimo
If it had been summer, we could have sat on the rocks and admired the bay and the views down Island for a lot longer than we did. We did see a Bald Eagle, and Terry was glad to add a Turkey Vulture to his trip list. But his hands were cold and white, and he was uncomfortable, so we completed the loop and meandered down again.
Red-barked Arbutus tree

 So many more trails to explore in the area!  
Garry Oak
Real Christmas holly!

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